Then to be even more secure, I archived the Workbench volume with the use of the LHA archiver with the following command line: While waiting for the download, to be on the safe side, I copied the files from the SYS partition to my Archive partition, as they are, without any changes. Is an 318 MB big ISO file, which has to be burned into CD disk in order to boot the system from it.

The update comes as 154 MB big LHA archive.

I am registered user so I was very impatient to try it. Update 1, announced as the most substantial update to date provided for free to download by registered AmigaOS 4.1 users. On 14 January 2010 I have read the news about the immediate availability of AmigaOS 4.1 Of IDE drivers and fixed JXFileSystem issues. The first QuickFix update was for the IDE drivers and theĮlf.library.kmod, while the second offered improved overall system stability, fixed shared object handling, Radeon Warp3D graphics drivers, increased performance There have been two QuickFix updates of AmigaOS 4.1 since then. Main system in 2010, despite the fact I bought PowerBook G4 and regularly have touch with wide variety of Windows machines.

Back in September 2008 I installed AmigaOS 4.1 on my MicroAmigaOne and it is still my